Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween

This Halloween we did something that we have never done before.  We went out to Barefoot Landing trick-or-treating with some friends of ours.  Since the kids were born we have always had something at our church on Halloween. But this year they did the trunk-or-treat on Saturday night.  The kids had a good time going to the different stores getting candy and we saw lots of people we knew from school.

McKinley, Ana and Ethan with the Maggie Moos cow!

Brad, Tootie and Ana

Afterwards we went and had dinner at California Pizza.  We had to get warm because it was so cold outside.  The kids were OK with finding a warm place.  We had a good time and were home early!! Hope everyone had a great evening!

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Endless Summer Festival

On Saturday McKinley's dance team danced at the Endless Summer Festival.  It was definitely the end of summer because it was freezing. I felt so sorry for the girls having to wear those shorts with those thin tights.  They did great under the circumstances.  Way to go NMB School of Performing Arts!

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Pumpkin Carving Fun

Last night we had our annual pumpkin carving.  My sister and her kids joined us.  McKinley invited our neighbor Kirsten.  We began by grilling burgers and eating yummy cupcakes.  Then it was time for some gooey fun.  We carved three pumpkins.  The kids were responsible for cleaning out all the pulp and seeds.  Of course they each picked a very difficult design for their pumpkin which made it challenging for Curtis.  What happened to the traditional jack-o-lanterns with eyes, a nose and a mouth? It was funny because the kids disappeared when it was time for the carving.  Off they went to play and Curtis was left with three pumpkins to carve.  By the end of the night we had three very cool pumpkins and three happy kids!

Monday, October 24, 2011

Yummy Fall House

This weekend the kids and I decorated our fall house.  This summer my friend Anna got me this cool plastic gingerbread house that can be decorated for every season.  Just decorate, wash and redecorate.  Whoever came up with this is a genious.

Anyway the kids had so much fun adding different Halloween candy to it.  We used candy corn, Junior Mints, cupcake toppers, chocolate licorice, coconut, and sprinkles.  Of course we all enjoyed nibbling on the sweet icing as we decorated. 

McKinley and Ethan were very proud of their creation!  Can't wait to decorate it for Christmas!

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Mr. and Mrs. Todd

Today my friend Amanda got married.  The ceremony was absolutely beautiful.  They wrote their own vows and I have to say I got a little emotional.  It was very touching the words they exchanged with each other.  You could tell that they really love each other.  I just pray that they always put God first in their marriage and every thing else will just fall into place. 

Amanda looked beautiful and was just glowing.  She has been looking forward to this day for a long time.  I am so happy for Amanda and Cody.  I wish them all the luck as they begin this journey together.

1 Corinthians 13:4-8 Love suffers long and is kind: love does not envy: love does not parade itself, is not puffed up: does not behave rudely, does not seek its own, is not provoked, thinks no evil: does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in truth: bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.  Love never fails. 

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Ethan's Lunch with Grandparents

Ethan had lunch with Grandparents at his school last week.  My mom and mother-in-law were both able to attend.  He was so excited.  They are both a very important part of his life.  They have taken care of him since he was a baby.  I am so glad that we live close to them both so they can have a close relationship with the kids.

Ethan and his two favorite people; Mimi and Grandma!

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Muffins With Mom

On Tuesday I had the opportunity to have breakfast with McKinley at NMBI's annual Muffins with Mom. She was so excited that I was going to be able to walk her into school.  With me teaching this is almost impossible.  The school had everything set up really nice.  The tables had cute fall decorations and the muffins were yummy as well.  I am so glad to have these special moments with my children.  McKinley is growing up so fast and I am so proud of all her accomplishments in school.  She is very self-motivated and always strives to do her best!  I feel blessed to be her mom.  She has already blessed me so much.

One thing that we enjoy doing together is singing.  A few weeks ago we sang a song in church called Blessings.  McKinley sang the first verse, I sang the second verse and we sang the chorus together.  I just love her sweet little voice.  It just blesses my heart to hear her lifting up praises to our Lord. 

My friend Jeana shared something with me earlier this week:  "What if we woke up tomorrow with only what we thanked God for today?"  I just thank God for all my many blessing even the ones in disguise!  Listen to the words in this song! 

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Amanda's Shower

Today our planning team gave one of our fellow members, Amanda, a bridal shower.  She is marrying her high school sweetheart at the end of this month.  She is so excited and we are all so excited for her!  We are so glad that she wanted to plan with all of us this year.  She is a great addition to our team.

The soon to be Mrs. Todd!
The colors at her wedding are purple and green so we tried to make everything at the shower those colors.  Mrs.  Scher, our computer lab teacher,  made her a purple zebra cake that was absolutely delicious.  She is so talented. 

Our planning team!

Amanda got some great gifts as well as cash and gift cards.  We can't wait to celebrate this day with Amanda and Cody  on the 22nd!

She is so photogentic!

We love you,  Amanda!!!!