Sunday, April 24, 2011

Happy Easter- He Has Risen!

We started off the day with sunrise service at our church.  What an amazing experience for all of us.  To think that the tomb is empty and Christ has risen. As our preacher said today "We are Easter people."  This holiday is a reminder of the foundation of our faith.  We then enjoyed breakfast with friends and family.

After sunrise service the kids looked through their Easter baskets and we got ready for church again!

Mimi, Papa, Tommy, Janie, Peyton, Paxton, Martha and Steve came for lunch!  We enjoyed spending the day with family! The kids were able to take dip in the pool.  I am so thankful for the warm weather.  Our pool is finally beginning to heat up.  Summer will be here soon!


  1. Looks like a great Easter for your family... I'm sure the sunrise service was awesome!

    One more day of spring break!

  2. How did your daughter like her purse? Hope yall had a great Easter!

  3. Amanda, she loved it. She had to carry it to church Sunday morning. Of course it didn't match her dress but she didn't care.

  4. Yay! I am glad :) It looks so cute on her!
