Saturday, June 30, 2012

VBS Amazing Wonders Aviation

Our bible school theme this year was Amazing Wonders Aviation.  This is one of the highlights of our summer.  I have been teaching VBS for at least 13 years. This was McKinley's second year being in my class (I teach the 3rd and 4th graders).  Ethan is very excited because next year he will move up to my class.

Teaching VBS is very hard work:  you have to decorate the classroom (this year the room was supposed to look like Victoria Falls: one of God's amazing wonders), you have to prepare the lesson which involves studying and cutting lots of little pieces out for games, and finally my least favorite part; cleaning up and taking everything down.  But it is all worth it for the sweet little children that are involved.  It also gives me another opportunity to examine my own life and to reflect on what type of role model I am.

We learned about God's amazing power and how He has power over all things: our circumstances, our sin, death, and our life.  Thank goodness that he does and even when we feel we are at the end of our road he is there to help us if we only trust HIM.  God is AMAZING!

Peyton went to VBS with us!

McKinley took her friend Gracie!


Friday, June 29, 2012

Recital Snapshots

One of the highlights of dance is the recital.  The kids get to show off what they have learned all year and it also means that we get a little dance break afterwards.  I was not able to get good photos on stage because of the lighting but I did manage to get of few of the girls in the dressing area.  I hope to post pics of McKinley's solo when I find my CD.

My sweet sister!

Thursday, June 28, 2012

McKinley and Ethan's Birthday Bash

This year I decided to have a joint birthday party for the kids.  Every year McKinley wants a pool party but it is a little too cool in April so this year we did both of them in June around Ethan's birthday.  It turned out great!  They each invited about 8 friends and a friend of mine from work made each of them a birthday cake.  They were amazing.  She has so much detail on her cakes. 

The kids enjoyed playing in the pool and the boys even started a game of baseball  in the yard.  It was nice just having ONE party! We may try it again next year!

My Birthday Stars

Silly Girls

Forever Friends

Cousins; Evan and Peyton

Ben, muscle man

The Beach Ball was actually a rice crispy treat!

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

A Special Day for Dad

Ok!  I am offically back into the blogging world!  We have been so busy with VBS, camps, organizing and etc. 

The kids wanted to do something different for their dad for father's day.  We did some research and saw that someone had given donut holes with a neat little saying on the box. McKinley got right on that little project and it was all set! You have to understand that Curtis is a very simple man and does not like big gifts.  We just got him some new shirts and a tie because he wears a tie EVERYDAY to work.  We had a great day just being with each other hanging out around the pool!  So blessed!!!!!

Curtis is wearing his new shirt!

Chloe had to get in the picture too!

They DO love each other !