Monday, August 27, 2012

Chiefs Game

Our Friday night football game got canceled this past week because of the rainy weather.  It was rescheduled for 2:00 on Saturday.  We all loaded up and headed out to cheer on the Chiefs (and the Lions since that is where Curtis and I graduated).  Of course the Chiefs didn't win.  They really held them during the first half but things fell apart in the second.  The kids have always LOVED going to football games.

McKinley had fun hanging out with her friends and even saw her third teacher Mrs. Campbell and her daughter, Brooke.  She loves both of them and still keeps in touch!  Ethan was running around with his buddy Braydon.  I will be so excited to see fall come!  Are you ready for some football????

Mrs. Campbell and Ms. Brooke

Friday, August 24, 2012

A Great First Week!

McKinley and Ethan had a great first week of school.  They enjoyed getting to know their new classmates and learning more about their teachers.  They both said that they liked school starting on Wednesday because they only had a few days before the weekend.  I have to agree.  My little first graders wore me out!  I was in bed by nine o'clock every night this week.  It is tough getting back into a routine. I'm sure next week will be even better!
McKinley with Ms. Case.

Ethan with his teacher Mrs. Goudelock.


Ethan with his GT math teacher Mrs. Hardwick
(aka Mrs. Tootee).

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

First Day Jitters

Well today was the first day for all of us.  McKinley started fifth grade, Ethan started third day and of course I had to meet my new first graders.  We all had trouble going to sleep thinking about the excitement of the first day.  I guess you could say we had the "First Day Jitters".  Can't believe how my little ones are growing up.  Hard to believe that my little girl will be in middle school next year.

As you notice in the pictures below, it WAS dark outside.  We left our house at 6:20 so  I could be at work by 6:50.  The kids were able to have breakfast at Boulineaus before their daddy took them to school.  We all have a great day and McKinley and Ethan love their teachers.  Open House pictures will come later this week!

My Third Grader!

Ethan is SOOO proud of his new bookbag!

My Fifth Grader!


Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Carowinds Fun

Curtis and I decided kind of last minute to take the kiddos to Carowinds this past weekend.  We didn't tell them until the day we were leaving so they were soooo excited.  They had a blast! They rode rides over and over.  Now I'm not much for rides that take your stomach but the kids are not afraid of anything.  I can do the rides at Disney because they're not that bad but some of these roller coasters I refused to do.  They were even a little much for Curtis.

None the less the kids rode everything and we enjoyed seeing their excitement.  They were both excited to get their 54 inch wrist band which entitled them to be able to ride any ride in the park.  Their favorite rides were the Intimidator and the Afterburn.  McKinley was even able to video her and Ethan riding the Intimidator which was pretty amazing. That girl and her technology.

We enjoyed this quick trip and were able to stay at the Westin in downtown Charlotte.  We had a great view of the Pathers Stadium from our room on the 23rd floor.  We were so glad to have one more surprise for the kids before they had to go back to school. 

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Sweet Peyton

We just love having my niece Peyton over.  She is absolutely precious and has the sweetest southern draw you have ever heard.  I miss mine being this age so I am glad I get to have her so I can continue to enjoy this age.  She calls me Te-Te and I love to hear her call my name.  She would stay with her us every night if her mom didn't make her go home.  It makes you feel so good when they beg to go home with you.  She is the little princess at Te-Te's house and usually gets her way.  My sister has a waitressing job so she has had to work a lot of nights so we have had her a lot this summer.


Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Where a Kid Can Be a Kid!

Well I guess you could say, you are never too old for some Chucky Cheese fun.  I recently took the kids there for some game fun and pizza.  Of course the food is not that great but who goes there for the food, right!  The kids had fun earning lots of tickets.  I also got in on some of the fun.  I have always loved to play Ski-ball.  This is one of my all time favorite games since I was a child.  Ethan and McKinley think it is pretty cool as well.  I helped each one of them earn some extra tickets playing this game.  They also enjoyed playing air hockey.  The game kept starting over without adding more tokens.  I guess they must have played for at least 20 minutes. 

I have tried to do at least one really fun thing each week this summer.  I cherish this time with them because they are growing up sooooo fast.  It seems like just yesterday they were in diapers and I had to pack the house just to go somewhere.  Before long they will have summer jobs and I will miss these fun times.  But for now I am taking advantage of this fun! 

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

KLove Radio

Words can't express much I appreciate Christian radio. The other day as we were traveling to Wilmington for a little school shopping McKinley said, " Switch the radio to KLove." I could tell Curtis had been driving my car because I rarely change the station. The song Well Done by Moriah Peters was playing and all three of us started singing. Now you have to understand that I am usually refereeing arguments among the two of them when we are in the car for a long period of time. So nice to know that there is unity in our spirits as we praise our Lord. As parents to need to be careful about what their little ears hear. Thank you God for your influence in my children's lives and for the vessels that you use to deliver your message! God is good all the time!!!