Friday, May 13, 2011

10 Favorite Things

A friend of mine, Kristen,  tagged me to post my 10 favorite things, so here it goes!

1.  My Family-  I am blessed to have a wonderful husband and two beautiful children.  I am very close to my sister Janie and my mom. 

Me with my mom and my sister!

Me with my sister Janie and my brother Tommy

2.  Bible Study-  I love to be in God's word.  I enjoy studying and learning His word with other young women.  Beth Moore studies are my favorite!  Here are a few I have done:

3.  Diet Coke-  I just have to one of these every morning to get me started!

4.  Pedicures with McKinley-  We have been doing this for a while together.  She loves it as much as I do.  I know, she is spoiled rotten!

5.  Clemson Football-  My family and I just love going to Clemson football games each fall.

6.   Bunco -  I play Bunco with a great group of girls every month.  I have been playing for about 9 years now!

My Bunco group
7.  Scrapbooking-  I am very serious about perserving my children's childhood memories.  I want them to be able to look back through their albums one day and share them with their own children.  I started scrapbooking 16 years ago!

8. KLOVE- This is the only radio station that I listen to.  I am blessed each day especially when my children sing along with most of the songs.  Thanks to all the KLOVE supporters.  J.J. Heller is one of my favorite Christian artists!

This is one of my favoirte songs!  Praise God that he loves me no matter what!

9.  Disney-  My family just loves to go to Disney World. 

10.  Shoes-  I just love shoes.  If I  like  a pair I usually buy them in several colors.  I love to look for shoe sales!


  1. Glad you finally got it up :) Hated blogs were down yesterday!!

    Loved the info!

  2. I didn't think you'd participate in this... I'm glad Kristin tagged you. :) None of these surprised me, esp. #3 and #10. Have a good weekend!
