Tuesday, May 17, 2011

A Beautiful Rainbow

As I was walking to water my ferns on the back porch, I noticed a beautiful rainbow in the sky.  Isn't it amazing to admire such a beautiful sight.  I called Ethan and he raced outside to see it.  It was a perfect way to end  my day.  I haven't felt well this week.  Something must be in the air because I have been sneezing for the past few days.

Isn't it beautiful?

I also received the last of my Thirty-One beach bag collection.  One my friends, Amanda, from Todd Tales   is a consultant.  I have been collecting these pieces since the beginning of the year.  My collection is finally complete.  We have a beach bag, thermal cooler, small bag for suncreen, etc, and let's not forget a small pouch for cell phones and ipods.  The Matthews are officially ready for some SUMMER FUN!!!!
Hope you're having a Terrific Tuesday!!